Quicksilver and iTunes

I just discovered a cool feature in [Quicksilver](http://quicksilver.blacktree.com/) on the Mac. It has iTunes integration. In Quicksilver’s preferences, click on the iTunes pane. Make sure you’ve selected ‘Show Artwork’, ‘Monitor Recent Tracks’ and ‘Display Track Notifications’. Now, whenever the song changes you’ll get a popup showing you the name of the new song and the… Continue reading Quicksilver and iTunes

How Software Should Be

This is how software development should be: Fog Creek Software announced that the beta version of CityDesk 2.0 will be released next week. It will be an open beta, meaning anyone who wants to can join. When the final version of CityDesk 2.0 is released, it will be a free upgrade for registered CityDesk 1.0… Continue reading How Software Should Be